Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Here's my suggestion for a really great treat:

Try it... usually on 8 PM Eastern Standard time.

"Laugh until Life Makes Sense"
                                      Graham Wilkinson


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Satire is defined as "humor that shows the weaknesses or bad qualities of a person, government, society." Some of the songs, poems and stories posted on this blog are satires. Some are just for fun. All are meant to be humorous. Some of these postings have historical content and are based on historical facts. Some are comments on people and the human condition.

I believe that humor is a very good antidote against the stress which is  and has been part of life throughout history.  Humor comes in many forms: jokes, stories, songs and pictures including  and especially  cartoons.

 The political cartoon above illustrates humorous political/historical comment. This cartoon by Ilana is about the American presidential election of 1948.  It was assumed by practically everyone that the incumbent, Harry Truman would be defeated by Republican John Dewey.  The election results showed the opposite, and is considered one of the biggest upsets in American History.  The editor in chief was so sure that Dewey would win that , on election night before the final results were in, he published the newspaper with the headline (shown on the left side of the cartoon).  What to do?  His solution was a bright idea. (shown at the right side of the cartoon).

While it is true that some humorous offerings are hurtful to sensitive people, the songs on this blog are NOT meant that way at all. My purpose is to give people a good laugh, and to entertain. They are not meant to be taken seriously.

Thank you for visiting. 

Songs: music and lyrics by Susan Maskin
Arranged and performed by Bernie Katzman 

Stories and poems written by Susan Maskin


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